Measuring the Impact of International Variables on Intra-Arab Agricultural Trade Using the Gravity Model

Document Type : Original Article


Department of agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University.


The Arab countries are highly dependent on non-Arab countries for their food needs, despite the fact that the Arab world occupies great strategic importance among the countries of the world because of its geographical location, its vast area and its population. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the west, The Arab Sea in the east and the Arabian Sea to the south of Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. It covers an area of ​​about 13.5 million square kilometers, of which 22% is located in Asia and 78% in Africa. The Arab coasts are about 22.8 thousand km. This is an indicator of the diversity of natural and economic resources of this region. Therefore, the study will focus on the economic potentials available in the Arab world and the extent of their diversity, thus increasing the opportunities and possibilities of Arab integration, especially in Arab agricultural integration. In the present circumstances, the economies of the Arab countries as developing countries face a new economic environment characterized by changes in economic structures and relations Therefore, it is necessary to shed light on the study of the conditions of Arab agricultural, agricultural and intra-agricultural trade, and the impact of contemporary international variables on them, so that proposals or perceptions of how to achieve Arab agricultural integration can be developed in light of the available possibilities. Finder on the international scene.


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