Effect of Repeated Magnetization Process of Water on the Waterand Soil Properties as well as Lettuce Yield

Document Type : Original Article


Agric. and Biosys. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ., Moshtohor, Toukh, Qalyobia, Egypt.


It is known that the magnetic field works to change the chemical and physical properties of water and this is reflected in the properties of soil and plant. An experiment was conducted during 2017 and 2018 seasons at a farm in MitKenana village, Qalyobia, Egypt. The aim was to study the effect of water re-magnetization on the properties of water, soil and Lettuce growth. The experiment was divided into four treatments with three replicates. Normal water treatment and other magnetized water treatments were irrigated with water passed through the magnetic device one, two and three times. EC, pH, anions and cations for both water and soil as well as yield and yield components for Lettuce were measured. Results indicated that, irrigation with magnetized water induced positive significant effect on all studied treatments on water, soil and plant where it improved water and soil properties with increasing plant productivity. The one-time passing magnetic treatment of irrigation water significantly decreased electrical conductivity of the soil, but the effect on pH was moderatein addition to increasing lettuce productivity by 29.1% more than non-magnetic treatment. With multiple magnetic treatments, did not show big differences between treated and untreated treatments 
