Evaluation of Land Capability Index for Some Soils in South El-Hussinia Plain Region, Egypt, by Integrated Use of Gis and Remote Sensing Techniques.

Document Type : Original Article


Soil and Water Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University, Egypt.



The area includes the South El-Hussinia Plain of Egypt between latitudes 30° 55' – 31° 05' N and longitudes 31° 55' - 32° 10' E, 13 soil profiles were dug. The study area is about 34684 ha., Supervised and unsupervised classification in the current study, it was applied on corrected images to identify main units, results showed 5 classes: arable lands, bare lands, urban, fish ponds and roads. The main goal of this study is to assess the land capability and evaluate soils for irrigated agriculture. Field survey was carried out to characterize each land unit. Thirteen soil profiles were dug in the field, morphologically described and sampled for laboratory analyses. The capability index was done using ALES program and GIS modeling. The utilized evaluation system was developed based on the mathematical modeling of different land evaluation parameters (soil physical and chemical). Interpolation of different soil characteristics was done to create different soil maps. The final capability index map was created through the overlaying process using the interpolated maps. The study area was classified as 22.60 % belongs to C2 (Good Soils) class, 14.91% fits in C3 class (Fair Soils) class, 11.92% belongs to C4 (Poor soils) class and 23.61% belongs to C5 class (Very Poor Soils) class. The study of the factors affecting the crop composition showed that the natural and human factors had a clear effect on the crop complex in the study area.


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