Reducing the Population Density of Aphids and Leafminer Infesting Snap Bean Plant by Using Some Insecticides with Different Active Ingredients

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, Moshtohor, Qalyubia, 13736, Egypt.


Afield experiment was conducted during season, 2020, at the experimental vegetable farm of Asfaina,Toukh,  Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt. To study the efficiency of five chemical compounds (acetakel 20% (acetamiprid),Transform50%(Thalfoxaflor), Vertimec1.8%( Abamectin), Pelexam25%(thiamethoxam) and sulfur30%(sulfur). In reducing the population density of insect pests   including aphids (mainly Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae and A. craccivora) and leafminer(Liriomyza trifolii) infesting snap bean, Phaseolus vulgaris cultivar Falantino. The obtained results showed that the compounds, Transform, Pelexam,Acetakill and Vertimec    recorded the highest reduction percentage and reduced the number of aphids on bean plants. As for leafminer , the pesticides Transform and Vertimec showed the highest percentage of reduction of leafminer number, while acetakel and Pelexam had a small effect in reducing insect number.On the other hand, infesting snap bean.


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