Physiochemical and Sensory Properties of Functional Cupcake Made with Wheat Flour Substituted with Chickpea, Purslane, Doum and Carob Powders

Document Type : Original Article


1 Food technology-Faculty of Agriculture-Benha University -Egypt

2 Food technology, Benha University

3 Department of Food science faculty of agriculture benha university moshtohor


This study aimed to produce functional cupcake from wheat flour (72% ext.) substituted with chickpea powder at 10, 20 and 30%. Sensory evaluation of cupcake performed at all levels replacement highly acceptable cupcake obtained by substituting 20% chickpea powder and considered as the control cupcake. The control sample will be a partial replacement of wheat flour with purslane leaves, doum and carob powders enriched separately as natural sources to produce a functional cupcake suitable for iron deficiency anemia patients. Purslane leaves, doum and carob powders were added with different replacement levels from wheat flour at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0% for both purslane and doum powders and 5, 10, 15 and 20% for carob powder. Highly acceptable cupcake were these substituted with 7.5, 7.5 and 15% for purslane leaves, doum and carob powders, respectively. Proximate chemical composition and minerals of raw materials and favorite substituted cupcake samples were studied. Also the physical and sensory properties of prepared cupcakes were studied. Results showed that chickpea, purslane leaves, doum and carob powders had good nutritional characteristics and increasing substitution ratios also resulted in increased fat, crude fiber , ash content and minerals in produced cupcakes compared to control sample. Physical attributes of the produced cupcakes were evaluated and results showed that the volume of substituted cupcakes decreased.with increasing the level of replacement. The Sensory evaluation results indicate an insignificant decrease in acceptability by increasing storage time.


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