Performance and Stability of Seed Yield and Oil % for Six Soybean Genotypes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Agronomy Department, Fac. of Agriculture, Benha University, Egypt

2 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Toukh, Egypt

3 Agron. Dept., Fac. of Agric. Moshtohor, Benha Univ


Plant breeders are extremely concerned with genotype × environment (GxE) interaction. It caused more challenging to discover superior genotypes and restrict the advantages of selection. Three adjacent trials were carried out depending on planting date in 2019 and 2020 seasons. Three replicates in each sowing date and season were used in the split-plot design of the trial. The three densities were devoted in the main-plots. In the sub-plot, six soybean genotypes were cultivated. Utilizing various techniques, evaluate the seed weight/plant performance, quantify the GxE interaction, and look into the stability of the evaluated genotypes. The results revealed that the studied genotypes responded differently to environmental circumstances, as indicated by highly significant mean squares for genotypes, environments, and GxE interaction. Also, very significant results for the terms of predictable (linear) and unpredictable (non-linear) interaction components support the finding that the examined soybean genotypes varied greatly in terms of their relative stability. The greatest seed weight/ plant were produced by Giza111 followed by H1 L3genotypes in both seasons that out-yielded the grand mean over environments for seed weight/ plant. Giza 22 in both seasons contains large percentage of oil. The genotype H6 L198 was stable phenotypically because, had S2di values which were not significantly different from zero and bi = 1 for oil%. Also, it was average stable under the studied environments. According AMMI and GGE biplot analysis, the genotype Giza 22 followed by Giza 111 was more stable for the studied traits. Thus the mention genotypes is favorable to grow in various environment


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