The use of geographic information systems for monitoring some soil properties: case study Damanhur District, El-Beheira Governorate - Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI), Remote Sensing and GIS unit, Giza


The main objective of this study is to integrate GIS and field work to assess monitor some soil properties in the period 1980 – 2017, field work involved digging pits and carrying out morphological examination and obtain samples. Updating the digital soil maps were generated using the database collected from field work and lab analysis. Soil salinity showed that highly saline soil decreased from 6583.3 ha (15669 Fed.), 16.4% to 5063.8 ha (12050 Fed.) 12.6%. Such improvement was due to soil reclamation. Decision makers should continue carrying out reclamation operations an area of 3895 ha (9270 Fed.) 9.7% from total area prone to salinization. An area of 3284.4 ha (7817Fed.) 8.2% suffer from shallow water table. Attention must be paid to 19778 ha ((47072 Fed.) 49.1% to prevent water table from rising. these soils showed no alkalinity for 50.2 ha (119.5 Fed.) Which need to improvement urban encroachment on the fertile soils affected 4.2 to 6.5% of the whole area in 1980 and 2017 respectively.


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