Personal, Social, Communication and Indicative Variables and the Degree of Their Knowledge of the Irrigation Methods Developed In Qalubiya Governorate

Document Type : Original Article



The research mainly aimed to identify the differences between adopted and non-adoptive farmers for the irrigation methods developed in The Province of Qalyubia, by achieving the following sub-objectives: identifying the differences between adopted and non-adoptive farmers for the irrigation methods developed in relation to each of the social variables studied, identifying the differences between the knowledge of adopted and unadopted farmers of the irrigation methods developed, and to achieve these objectives a questionnaire was designed. Her data was collected in person with a sample of 118 researchers from the farmers of the Tokh Center in Qalyubia governorate, and the data was collected in the field by interviewing the researchers during September and October 2020, and the averages and standard deviation of data presentation and testing (T) were used to test the validity of statistical assumptions.

Main Subjects