The Effectiveness oF extension activities in promotioting the data plam Crop in Bahariya Oasis

Document Type : Original Article


Ministry Of Agriculture, desert , Research Center.


The study aimed: identifying the characteristics of the respondents, determining the activities of the agricultural extension agency in the field of promoting the date palm crop, determining the extent to which farmers benefit from implementing these recommendations in the field of promoting the date palm crop, and to achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of 370 respondents was selected from the total number of farmers. There are 3,704 date palm farmers in Bahariya Oasis, according to the Craigsey and Morgan equation, representing 10% of the total number of date palm farmers in Bahariya Oasis. From the reality of the statements of the statistics of the number of palm-owning growers in the Agricultural Department in Bahariya Oasis, the data necessary for this study was collected during the period from June to July of 2021 by means of a personal interview with the respondents using a questionnaire form, and after completing the data collection, it was unloaded and tabulated, The data analysis was used: the tabular display with frequencies and percentages, in addition to the arithmetic mean and standard deviation, and the data of this study was analyzed by computer using the statistical software package for the social sciences (spss).

Main Subjects