Response of Washing on Navel Orange Trees to Foliar Spray with Some Stimulents

Document Type : Original Article


The present study carried out on fruitful Washington Navel orange trees 12 years old, budded on sour orange rootstock grown in clay loamy soils in private farm at Toukh region, El-Kalubeia Governorate to evaluate response the vegetative growth trees to foliar spray with some stimulating compounds at two concentrations for each i.e., yeast extract at 2.50 ml/l & 5.0 ml/l, sea weeds at 0.2 &0.4 ml/l, promalin at 100 & 200 ppm and humic acid at 3.0 & 6.0 g/l, beside control which sprayed with tap water during 2019 and 2020 seasons. The results indicated that, all treatments increased all studied vegetative growth measurements and improved nutritional status compared to control. Promalin at 200ppm or yeast extract at 2.5 m/l+ sea weeds extract at 0.2m/l + promalin at 100 ppm gave highest values of vegetative growth measurements, leaf photosynthetic pigments and mineral content. 


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