Wheat Lodging and Yield in Response to Cultivars and Foliar Application of Paclobutrazol

Document Type : Original Article


Two field experiments were conducted at the Research and Experimental Center of Faculty of Agriculture at Moshtohor, Benha University, Egypt, during 2015/16 and 2016/17 winter seasons to evaluate five wheat cultivars includes Misr 2, Gemmeza 11, Shandaweel 1, Giza 171 and Sids 12 under threefoliar application of Paclobutrazol }plant growth retardant (PGR){ at rates 0, 100, 200 ppm fad-1 for root lodging, yield and yield components. The obtained results for combined analyses were as follows:
The significant effect of PGR observed for root dry weight plant-1, plant height, No. of tillers m-2, No. of spikes m-2, No. of kernels spike-1 and straw yield fed-1. Cultivars were varied significantly in lodging score, root dry weight plant-1, plant height, No. of tillers m-2, No. of spikes m-2, seed index, grain yield fed-1, straw yield fed-1 and harvest index. While PGR×cultivars interactions showed no significance effect on all these traits.


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