Effect of location and fertilization on fruit yield and quality of some tomato cultivars

Document Type : Original Article


Horti.Dept., Fac., Benha Univ. , Moshtohor, Egypt.


Two open field experiments were performed during the two successive summer seasons of 2013and 2014 at El- Bosily,El-Behaira government and El-Fayuom, to investigate the growth and productivity of two tomato cultivars under different climatic conditions and different levels of NPK fertilizers. The experimental treatments were arranged by applying the split split plot design where, location treatments were arranged in the main plots, tomato cultivars treatments were arranged in the sub plots and fertilizer levels were arranged in the sub sub plots.Cultivated the tomato plants cv. Super Strain B in El Fayoum location combined with using 100% level from the recommended N.P.K doses exhibited the highest values of all fruit yield characteristics expressed as number of fruits/plant, fruit yield/ plant, total fruit yield/ fed., fruit/weight, length, diameter, shape and fruit set% compared with the other interaction treatments during the two seasons. On the other hand, using cv. Castel Rock and 80% from the recommended dose treatments in El Behaira location gave the lowest values. Meanwhile, cultivating the tomato plants in El Behaira by using cv. Super Strain B and 120 % from the recommended NPK doses exhibited the highest values of all of chemical fruit quality of tomato plant (Nitrogen%, Phosphorus%, Potassium%, total carbohydrates, T.S.S and total acidity, compared with the other interaction treatments during the two seasons. On the contrary, using Cv. Castle Rock and 80% from the recommended NPK dose in El Fayoum location gave the lowest values.
