The Current Status of the Role of the Most Important Microfinance Institutions in Rural Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agric. Res. Center.


        Program being implemented by the Egyptian Small and micro-agricultural enterprises are an important component of the economic reform government to break the economic downturn.
    The state faces many problems, especially in recent times, where the problem of unemployment and low personal incomes has become one of the most pressing problems in the Egyptian economy. The elements of production in order to produce goods and services, therefore, some economists believe that small and micro enterprises are the only way to solve these problems plaguing the country.
     The main objective of this research was to identify the role of the most important microfinance institutions in the Egyptian countryside by studying the following sub-objectives: Evolution of the value of loans disbursed from the Local Development Fund, estimating the disbursement of small and micro enterprises according to the geographical scope during the period 2009-2019, determining the number of Legislations, Women's Projects, Number of Beneficiaries and Job Opportunities.
    The research relied on the method of descriptive and quantitative analysis of the variables of the study to describe the problem and knowledge of its components and evolution. A simple regression method was used to estimate the overall time trend of the variables under study.
The most important results that have been tried: -
1-The study found that the provinces in urban areas.
2. The study found that the total value of loans granted by the Local Development Fund reached LE 249.42 million Loans reached a maximum of LE 32.96 million in 2008/2009, while loans reached a minimum of LE 8.69 million in 2017/2018, with an average of LE 22.67 million.        
3- The study showed that the local development fund has spent 284.09 million pounds during the study period from 2008 / 2009-2018 / 2019 tofinance 95520 projects. The number of beneficiaries was 100412 beneficiaries including 42103 males including 53430 females.
The value of investments in these projects amounted to 355.38 million pounds, of which 71.29 million pounds participation of the owners of these projects.
4- The study showed that the highest value of loans granted by theLocal Development Fund was in 2008/2009 with a value of LE 32.96 million with a relative importance of 13.22%, followed by 2009/2010 with a value of LE 29.97 million and a relative importance of 12.02%.
The value of loans amounted to LE 29.60 million, with a relative importance of 11.87%. The average value of loans was LE 22.67 million, while the lowest value of loans granted by the Local Development Fund was in 2016/17, 2015/2016 and 2016. Loans in those years amounted to 15.86, 14.06 and 8.69 million pounds respectively, with a relative importance of 6.36% - 5.63% - 3.48%.
5- The study found that the number of projects and projects of women and the number of beneficiaries and additional employment and the value of loans according to the fields of projects implemented through the Development Fund during the period 01-01-2008 to 30-6-2018, where the largest of these areas in terms of the number of projects is the activity of animal production where the number of projects with about 49247 projects 77.28% of the total number of projects, followed by the activity of environmental and household industries where the number of projects amounted to 2931 projects by 4.6%.

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