Effect of Some Rooting Media and IBA treatments On Rooting, Growth and Chemical Composition of Stem Cuttings of Ficus benjamina Cv. Vivian

Document Type : Original Article


Hort. Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, EGYPT


This work was carried out during 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons at the nursery of Horticulture .Dept, Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ., Qalubia Governorate to study the effect of some different rooting media and IBA concentrations on vegetative propagation of Ficus benjamina Cv. Vivian. Terminal soft wood cuttings of Ficus benjamina Cv. Vivianwere collected in October from three years old trees, the cutting were finally treated with IBA concentrations at 0.0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 ppm. Each cutting was inserted in a 8 cm diameter plastic pot containing different rooting media as follows: 1- Sand    2- Sand + vermiculite (v:v)   3- Sand + peatmoss (v:v) and 4- Sand + peatmoss + vermiculite ( v:v). The obtained results showed that all combinations between rooting media and IBA concentration increased rooting percentage of Ficus benjamina CvVivian cuttings, especially those treated with IBA at 3000 ppm and rooted at M4 medium in the two seasons. Furthermore, the highest values of seedling length, branches number, fresh and dry weights of leaves and roots, leaf nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and total carbohydrates contents were scored by the combination of M3 and M4, particularly those treated with IBA at the highest concentration in the two seasons.


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