Effect of certain bio and chemical insecticides on Sesamia cretica Led. and Ostrinia nubilalis Hub. in maize field in Qaliubiya Governorate, Egypt.

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Protection Research Institute- Agricultural Research Center- Dokki


Field experiments were conducted to determine the comparative efficacies of different bio and chemical insecticides against two lepidopterous species Sesamia cretica Led. (Noctuidae) and Ostrinia nubilalis Hub. (pyraustidae) in Qaliubiya Governorate, Egypt. All treatments were found effective in reducing the infestation rates by Sesamia cretica and Ostrinia nubilalis and increasing the yield compared with control. The chemical insecticide Neomyl was found the best against Sesamia cretica as it led to minimum percentage of infestation, followed by Bestban and Tempo Xl, respectively. While, Dipel 2X resulted the lowest reduction % of infestation compared with control. As for O. nubilalis Hub. infestation, Tempo Xl was the highest effective in reducing number of   both infested plants and number of holes while, Bestban and Neomyl were of moderate efficacy, leading to moderate infestation rates compared to control. Dipel 2X treatment resulted lower infestation percentage than control.


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