New technique for protecting honey bee colonies from oriental wasp (Vespa orientalisL.) attacks at Dokki region, Giza, Egypt.

Document Type : Original Article


Beekeeping Research Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.


Field experiment was carried out to reduce the risk of oriental wasp (Vespa orientalis L.) attacks by placed honeybee colonies under wire cages with holes in different diameters (7, 5.3, 4.2 and 2 mm) in comparing with queen excluder placed at the entrance of honey bee hives during September to December 2015 at the Beekeeping Research Department. Honeybee colony strength were measured (brood area,number of combs covered with bees and stored pollen area) in relation with captured oriental wasps number.Wire screen traps were used for catchingwaspsin the apiary, using fermented sugar syrup solution and honey as bait. Results showed that cage with holes 4.2 mm gave the highestbrood area (68.30cm2 /colony), number of combs covered with adult bees (4.63 comb/colony)and stored pollen area (22.01cm2/colony). The maximum weekly number of captured wasps during the experimental period was 5761.33wasp in first November. Also, results revealed that the highest monthly number of captured wasps were 2514.92 and 2459.42 wasp in October and November, respectively. 


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