Rural Women Implementation of the Recommended Practices to Improve Home Poultry Raising in Perma Village in Gharbia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institute.


This research aimed to identify whether rural women apply the improved and recommended practices in raising home poultry in four areas which were (Purchasing, Nutrition, shelters, and veterinary care), determine the implementation level of these practices, and the extension services introduced to them as well as the problems they face in this area and their suggestions to overcome it.
This research was carried out at Perma village in Gharbia Governorate on sample amounted to 100 rural family determined according to ISRAEL Equation, and from each family the woman who responsible for raising poultry was selected.
Data were collected through personal interview by using pre-tested questionnaires. Numbers, Frequencies, and Percentages, Simple Correlation Coefficients and Chi square tests were used to present and analysis data of the study.


Main Subjects