A study for level of Rural Woman Knowledge for maintaining the environment from pollution at Qulyoubia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Agriculture - Benha University


This study aimed to identify knowledge degree of rural woman for maintaining the environment from pollution in the areas of (dealing with household waste - dealing with agricultural waste-dealing with agricultural pesticides), and determine the relationship between that knowledge level and some studied independent variables, as well as determine the contribution of each related independent variables in explaining the variation in the degrees of environmental knowledge level. Finally identify the major problems facing rural woman in the field of maintaining the environment from pollution and her suggestions to solve them.
The study was conducted in Meet Kenana village, Toukh district, Marsafa village, Benha district and Nawa village, Shebeen El-Qanater district Qualyoubia Governorate.
A sample of 371 respondents representing 3.42% of total rural women was selected randomly from the investigated area. 
Data were collected during September and October 2015 by personal interview using a pre-tested questionnaire. Tabulation, Arithmetic mean, frequencies and percentage, Pearson simple correlation coefficient and stepwise regression were used to present and analyze data statistically.


Main Subjects